Media Advocacy Group (MAG)

Media Advocacy Group (MAG)

While much progress has been made in Nepal since the end of the conflict in 2006 – including a new constitution that protects the rights of marginalized groups and women – there is more work to be done to promote fully-realized justice for the victims of war. The quotas introduced during the 2017 local elections, ensured 11,630 individuals – or 20% of those elected – were women. This is a significant achievement and provides a great opportunity for women to voice the challenges they face in public forums, thereby initiating collective efforts to address them. For these women to be the most successful in their new roles they require additional skills so they can be the most effective representative of their communities.


The Media Advocacy Group (MAG) was established in 2008 by a group of media experts to promote democracy and freedom within the 75 districts of Nepal. The organization particularly advocates for gender equality as identified in the Beijing Platform for Action, as well as UNSCR 1325 and 1820. The initiative proposed to N-Peace will enhance the expertise of newly elected women representatives at the local level to address and resolve grievances and unresolved cases from the conflict.