Uzma Zaheen Rafat

Uzma Zaheen Rafat is currently a Monitoring and Evaluation Associate for Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ, Afghanistan). She has served as the Coordinator for Young Women for Change Organization (2015-2016), Team Leader for the Oruj Institute of Leadership and Management (2009-2011) , and as a Legal Advisor specializing in family law and gender equality cases. During her career she has positioned herself as a testament to advancing gender equality in business development, peace and law.

A former volunteer for Afghan Women’s Network (AWN) and Afghan Peace Volunteers, she has engaged these roles to advocate for gender equality in development and peacebuilding. Recognized at the Emerging Entrepreneurs’ Summit (2019) where she was Chair and Moderator, Uzma continues to utilize a multi-disciplinary approach for women’s empowerment.